What is ShibaSwap and How Does It Work? | A Detailed Guide 

6 mins
Updated by Ryan Boltman
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In Brief

  • What is ShibaSwap and how can you use it?
  • This guide covers the features and tokens used within the SHIB Ecosystem.
  • ShibaSwap was launched in 2021 and currently has over $30 million in Total Value Locked (TVL)
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Ever heard of ShibaSwap but not sure how it works? Check out this guide to learn the answers to all your questions so you can get started today!

What Is ShibaSwap and How Does It Work?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ShibaSwap – a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Ethereum blockchain. In this guide, we’ll take you through what ShibaSwap is, how it works, and what makes it unique. We’ll also provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use it.

What is ShibaSwap?

ShibaSwap is a decentralized exchange that allows users to trade various cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Ethereum (ETH). It was launched in July 2021 as a community-driven project, with the aim of providing a secure and reliable platform for trading cryptocurrencies.

How does ShibaSwap work?

ShibaSwap is built on the Ethereum blockchain, which means it is a decentralized platform that doesn’t rely on any central authority. The platform uses smart contracts to execute trades, which are automated agreements between buyers and sellers. These smart contracts are designed to be transparent, secure, and self-executing, which means that trades can be completed without the need for intermediaries.

How to get started with ShibaSwap

To start using ShibaSwap, you’ll need to connect your Ethereum wallet to the platform. You can use any wallet that supports the Ethereum blockchain, such as MetaMask or MyEtherWallet. Once you’ve connected your wallet, you’ll be able to deposit funds into the platform and start trading.

ShibaSwap offers a range of features, including liquidity pools, yield farming, and staking. Liquidity pools allow users to provide liquidity to the platform by depositing their cryptocurrency. In return, they receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens, which they can use to earn rewards. Yield farming is a process of earning rewards by providing liquidity to specific pools, while staking involves holding tokens to earn rewards.

ShibaSwap Tokens

There are three main tokens on ShibaSwap that users can trade and earn rewards with: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bone (BONE), and Doge Killer (LEASH).

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Shiba Inu is the original token of the ShibaSwap platform and the native currency of the Shiba Inu ecosystem. It was launched in August 2020 and has since gained significant popularity. The total supply of SHIB is one quadrillion, with around 394 trillion in circulation.

Users can trade SHIB on ShibaSwap and earn rewards by staking their tokens. Additionally, SHIB is used as a governance token, allowing users to vote on proposals and decisions related to the platform.

Bone (BONE)

Bone is the second token on the ShibaSwap platform and serves as a utility token. It is used for various functions on the platform, such as voting on proposals, boosting yield farms, and burning SHIB tokens.

Users can trade BONE on ShibaSwap and earn rewards through staking, liquidity pools, and yield farms.

Doge Killer (LEASH)

Doge Killer, or LEASH, is the third token on the ShibaSwap platform and is a rebase token. Its supply adjusts every eight hours based on market conditions, which means its value is not fixed.

LEASH is a scarce token, with a total supply of only 100,000. Users can trade LEASH on ShibaSwap and earn rewards by staking their tokens.

Earning Rewards In ShibaSwap

ShibaSwap offers several ways for users to earn rewards on the platform, including staking, liquidity pools, yield farms, and the burn portal.

ShibaSwap features, Staking, Liquidity Pools, Yield Farming, Swap, NFTs
ShibaSwap Features| Source: ShibaSwap

Staking (BURY)

Staking is one of the most popular ways to earn rewards on ShibaSwap. Users can stake their tokens, such as SHIB, BONE, or LEASH, and earn rewards in the form of native currency or other tokens.

Staking rewards are based on the amount of time and the number of tokens staked. The longer and more tokens a user stakes, the higher their rewards will be.

Liquidity Pools (DIG)

Liquidity pools are another way to earn rewards on ShibaSwap. Users can provide liquidity to a pool by depositing tokens, and in return, they receive pool tokens that represent their share of the pool.

Users earn rewards through fees generated by the pool, which are distributed proportionally to the pool tokens held by the user.

Yield Farms (WOOF)

Yield farms are a more complex way of earning rewards on ShibaSwap. Users can deposit tokens into a yield farm, which is a pool that generates rewards through a combination of trading fees and liquidity mining.

Rewards are distributed to users in the form of native currency or other tokens, and the amount of rewards earned is based on the amount of time and tokens deposited.

Burn Portal

The burn portal is a unique feature of ShibaSwap that allows users to burn their tokens, which reduces the supply of the token and can increase its value.

Users can burn SHIB, BONE, or LEASH tokens, and in return, they receive, even create, and trade NFTs. The Doggy DAO is a community-driven initiative that allows users to vote on important decisions related to the platform, such as the addition of new tokens or changes to the fee structure.

For those looking to keep track of their portfolio, ShibaSwap also offers the Bonefolio feature, which is essentially a portfolio tracker that allows users to keep track of all of their tokens in one place.

Now that we’ve covered the various features of ShibaSwap, let’s take a closer look at how to use the platform. To get started, users will need to connect their Ethereum wallet to ShibaSwap. This can be done by connecting a compatible wallet, such as MetaMask, to the platform.

Once a wallet has been connected, users can begin staking their tokens in any of the available pools. To do this, simply select the pool you’d like to stake in and follow the on-screen instructions. Similarly, users can participate in Yield Farms by staking their LP tokens.

When it comes to safety, ShibaSwap takes a number of precautions to ensure that users’ funds are kept secure. For example, the platform uses audited smart contracts, which have been thoroughly vetted to ensure that they are free of vulnerabilities. Additionally, ShibaSwap has implemented various security measures, such as multi-factor authentication and gas limits, to help protect against potential threats.

Source: ShibaSwap

In conclusion, ShibaSwap is a decentralized exchange that offers a number of features, including staking, liquidity pools, Yield Farms, and more. By allowing users to earn rewards for contributing to the platform, ShibaSwap creates a strong incentive for users to participate in the network. Additionally, the platform takes numerous steps to ensure the security of users’ funds, making it a trustworthy option for those looking to participate in decentralized finance.


  1. How to unstake ShibaSwap?

To unstake tokens in ShibaSwap, simply navigate to the pool where your tokens are staked and click on the “Unstake” button. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

  1. When will ShibaSwap be released?

ShibaSwap was released in July 2021 and is available for use now.

  1. How to stake Shiba on ShibaSwap?

To stake Shiba on ShibaSwap, simply navigate to the “Staking” section of the platform and select the pool you’d like to stake in. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

  1. How to connect MetaMask to ShibaSwap?

To connect MetaMask to ShibaSwap, first, make sure that you have the MetaMask extension installed on your web browser. Then, navigate to ShibaSwap and select “Connect Wallet” from the top-right corner of the screen. Choose the “MetaMask” option and follow the on-screen instructions to connect your wallet.

  1. How to transfer Shiba from Crypto.com to ShibaSwap?

To transfer Shiba from Crypto.com to ShibaSwap, first, navigate to the ShibaSwap platform and select the “Swap” feature. Choose the token you’d like to swap for Shiba, and then input the amount of Shiba you’d like to receive. Once you have confirmed the transaction, you will receive the Shiba in your connected wallet.

We hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive overview of ShibaSwap and its various features. As a decentralized exchange, ShibaSwap offers a unique opportunity for users to earn rewards while contributing to the platform’s growth. Additionally, the platform’s strong security measures help ensure that users’ funds are kept safe at all times.

If you have any further questions about ShibaSwap or how to use the platform, please refer to the platform’s documentation or reach out to the community for support. Thank you for reading, and happy trading!

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Raphael Minter
As a writer, researcher, and analyst of centralized and decentralized financial instruments (stocks, commodities, metals, and cryptocurrencies), he started experimenting with financial asset trading in 2011. He ventured into full-time long term investing of cryptocurrencies in 2016.