Crypto Telegram Groups To Join in 2024

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by Ish Bautista
Join our Trading Community on Telegram

Crypto telegram groups have become a popular way for crypto enthusiasts to connect and stay updated on the latest developments in the industry. These groups often offer a variety of resources, including crypto trading signals, market analysis, and educational materials. Joining a crypto telegram group can be hugely valuable. This is true whether you’re a beginner looking to learn more about cryptocurrency or an experienced trader seeking valuable insights and opportunities.

What is Telegram and how does it work?

What is Telegram?

Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. As of December 2023, the platform has an estimated 800 million monthly active users. Telegram is a freemium, cross-platform, encrypted, cloud-based instant messaging service available worldwide.

The application offers optional end-to-end encrypted chats, also known as secret chat, video calling, file sharing, and other features.

Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov created and launched Telegram in 2013. It is available on a number of platforms, including iOS, Android, and desktop. At the same time, it has grown in popularity due to its emphasis on security and privacy.

Telegram also supports groups, channels, and bots, which allow users to communicate with large groups of people or automate tasks. All things considered, Telegram’s main selling point is privacy, which it achieves through end-to-end encryption.

This prevents anyone outside a two-way conversation from seeing what has been sent, whether they are a company, the government, hackers, or anyone else.

Top 7 crypto Telegram groups

Telegram’s vision of end-to-end encryption naturally coincides with the concerns of privacy-conscious cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Just like decentralized blockchains, cryptocurrency users are linked by a common interest but dispersed worldwide. As a result, crypto groups on Telegram have grown in popularity.

Did you know?

Telegram was the third most downloaded messenger app in the world, trailing only WhatsApp and Snapchat. In terms of downloads, the app’s leading markets in 2022 were India, Russia, and the United States.

Due to their popularity, crypto Telegram groups have emerged en masse. As such, finding a useful Telegram group can be difficult. Therefore, we have sifted through the noise and created a helpful guide covering the top seven crypto Telegram groups.

BeInCrypto Trading Community

BeInCrypto is a rapidly expanding news platform that offers the highest quality journalistic, cryptocurrency, and web3 content. We are the largest crypto media outlet in terms of coverage, providing breaking news and unbiased analysis. We have a safe space to discuss crypto trading signals on Telegram in our open group Trading Community!

Open group | BeInCrypto Trading Community 

Our open group on Telegram is an excellent trading community for both experienced traders and crypto newbies. Here you can discuss market trends, get technical analysis, and ask BeInCrypto experts questions (disclaimer: not financial advice).

You can also enjoy the following:

  • Technical analysis on coins – price movements, crypto trading signals, analysis, and predictions.
  • #BonusHunter – The best offers from the crypto industry: learn first about airdrops and get bonuses from BeInCrypto’s partners.
  • Free Trading Basics course: Watch a 5-min video series and get ready to start trading!
  • Project reviews – Learn about the best crypto cards, exchanges, wallets, new coin listings, etc.
  • Technical Analysis LIVE Streams – BeInCrypto Global Trader and Senior Analyst go live every Monday (usually 6 PM CET) and share an overview of notable market events and price forecasts. You can also ask questions during the stream right in the chat – and receive an expert answer immediately.

Closed Channel | BeInCrypto Premium Channel

Beincrypto premium trading
BeInCrypto Premium Channel

Did we mention we have a free Premium Channel? Here we provide a more personalized experience, exclusive educational content and regular crypto signals from BeInCrypto international team of traders.

In our Premium Channel, expect:

  • Regular crypto signals by the team of experienced traders: we are proud of our performance and regularly disclose it in the open group. 
  • Daily exclusive technical analysis 
  • Regular on-chain analysis
  • Introduction to Technical Analysis course from our Senior Analyst

The total performance of BeInCrypto signals from June 27, 2022, to December 1, 2022, is +781% ROI.

Disclaimer: not financial advice!

How to join Premium Channel?

BeInCrypto’s Premium Channel is free to join. However, we have partnered with exchanges and crypto projects to keep the content free. To join a premium channel, simply click on the below button and follow the instructions.

Whale Alert

crypto trading signals telegram
Whale Alert: BeInCrypto

The service known as Whale Alert informs consumers of significant money movements made by whales in the crypto market. In crypto and finance, whales are large investors or market participants who have a significant amount of capital. Consequently, whales are able to move the market with their trades and are sometimes referred to as smart money. This is because they are typically well-informed and have the resources to make large, strategic investments.

As a result, whale watching has become a popular crypto trading signals strategy. This whale-watching platform is a premier service for crypto trading signals on Telegram. They have nearly 325,000 subscribers on Telegram alone and an engagement rate (ERR) of 8.5%. Their large movement signals are also available on Twitter and Reddit.

What’s more, Whale Alert is free, but it also has premium options for various classes of users. Since it can alert users to potential changes in the market, whether due to sales, transfers, or other significant moves across wallets, Whale Alert has established itself as an ideal monitoring tool for a variety of investors.

DeFi Million

DEFI Million
DeFi Million: Telegram

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is an umbrella term encompassing many diverse projects and topics. Trying to differentiate between authentic products and vaporware can seem insurmountable. DeFi Million is a popular Telegram group that does most of the work for you. This channel provides users with valuable information that allows them to stay ahead of other investors who are entering the DeFi space.

There are plenty of projects built on well-known chains. Regardless, the quality of these projects can be a little iffy. Because of this, It is important to master your risks and emotions when trading crypto. You should also learn how to find quality cryptocurrency information. All that glitters isn’t necessarily gold.

That being said, bulk purchasing is popular among the Telegram group’s users. Bulk purchasing may coincide with the “pump and dump” strategy. A pump and dump is when groups purchase huge numbers of particular tokens in order to increase their value for the members of the group to benefit.

On the other hand, this crypto trading signals telegram group has expert crypto signals providers. With an ERR is as high as 44.9%, it seems that users are satisfied.

Telegram Signals


Airdrop crypto telegram groups
Airdrop Telegram group: Telegram

Airdrops are a way for cryptocurrency projects to distribute tokens to the public, typically for free. This is typically done to promote the project and increase awareness around it. Airdrops can be an important marketing tool for cryptocurrency projects, as they can generate buzz and attract new users.

They can be an attractive way for users to get their hands on new and potentially valuable tokens without paying for them. They can also be a good way for projects to build a community of users and supporters. Airdrop boasts over one million subscribers and is one of the best crypto Telegram groups to follow to find new projects. However, their ERR is a whopping 3%.

To reiterate, not all projects are noteworthy or authentic. The official page even goes as far as to state, “We will do our best to share the legitimate airdrop campaigns timely.” As a rule of thumb, users should exercise caution when participating in airdrops because some projects may be scams or lack a solid foundation. Before taking part in an airdrop, it’s always a good idea to do your own research (DYOR).

We have a safe space to discuss crypto trading signals on Telegram in our open group Trading Community (disclaimer: not financial advice)!

NFT News

NFT News crypto telegram groups
NFT News: Telegram

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) will be a critical component of the metaverse. Because of the transparency and security provided by blockchains, NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way consumers and businesses transact. They even have the potential to create entirely new economic systems.

As the name implies, NFT News is a Telegram channel that provides coverage of the latest NFT and Metaverse news. They share up-to-date NFT Drops, marketing, site reviews, NFT marketplace, and insider and industry news. NFT News has a considerable ERR of 19.7%.

If you want to stay updated on NFT news or participate in online NFT communities, you should consider joining an NFT Telegram group. NFT Telegram groups are large digital communities with thousands of people discussing NFT news, trades, price updates, and other topics. Whereas many crypto Telegram groups focus solely on crypto trading signals, NFT News specializes in NFT and metaverse content.

Telegram Signals

ICO Analytics

ico analytics
ICO Analytics:

Due to the constant influx of new projects, it is extremely difficult to distinguish the valuable ones from the subpar ones. Therefore, many ICO Telegram channels are constantly appearing. Despite this fact, ICO Analytics stands out.

The ICO Analytics Telegram channel keeps you informed of the most recent digital cryptocurrencies on the market. This Telegram channel announces new coin listings, ICOs, IDOs, pre-mines, pre-mints, and presales. ICO Analytics has an ERR of 23% and is active on other platforms as well, such as Twitter.

An initial coin offering (ICO) is a fundraising method companies use to raise capital for a new cryptocurrency project. In an ICO, the company issues a new digital asset often called a token, which investors, similar to an IPO, can buy. ICOs have become a popular way for companies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space to raise capital. However, they have also attracted criticism due to the lack of regulation.

There have been instances of fraudulent ICOs in which companies have raised funds but not delivered on their promises, leading to significant losses for investors. As a result, it is important for investors to carefully research and evaluate the risks and potential rewards of participating in an ICO.

Rekt News
Rekt News: Telegram
Telegram Signals

Rekt News lauds itself as a DeFi and crypto investigative journalism and commentary service. They cover the various scandals, rug pulls, mishaps, and exploits that occur in cryptocurrency. Its influence reaches multiple platforms, including Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. The engagement rate for Rekt News is currently unkown.

Rekt is a slang term that means “wrecked.” It is frequently used to describe a situation in which a significant loss, failure, or defeat has occurred. The term is frequently used in the context of financial markets, particularly when buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

Most people find utility in a Telegram channel like Rekt News because it’s an excellent way to learn how rug pulls, exploits, and scams are carried out. Becoming informed on how these events are carried out will help you exercise caution when evaluating projects. It doesn’t hurt that they remind investors that crypto is still somewhat a wild west.

Be careful with crypto Telegram group scams

One of Telegram’s shortcomings is that there is no way to rank a comment or post. Trolls may frequently overshadow useful information. Groups frequently become overwhelmed with noise, scammers, phishing attacks, and bad bots. That being said, crypto Telegram groups are a honeypot for scams, rug pulls, pump and dumps, and everything under the sun that is bad in the cryptosphere.

Scammers posing as crypto experts and guaranteeing consistent returns on investments are common on Telegram. Telegram scammers may also offer free prizes, giveaways, and sweepstakes for cryptocurrency. However, in order to receive these free prizes or gifts, users must provide their personal information and banking information, or pay a small fee. Please, please, please exercise caution.

Stay grounded in the crypto community

Everyone can be an expert sometimes, but no one is an expert all the time. Crypto Telegram communities offset the workload of finding new blue chip projects. They are not a stand in for doing your own research.

They are, however, a great way to stay grounded in the crypto community. Even if you are the greatest venture capitalist investor alive, you will need help sometimes. And this is where Telegram comes in. That being said, every project or trading strategy may not be for you. But where you are weak, your crypto Telegram group can make you strong.

Frequently asked questions

Is Telegram encrypted?

What are common crypto Telegram scams?

What is a crypto Telegram group?

How can I join a crypto Telegram group?

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Ryan Glenn
Ryan Glenn is a journalist, writer, and author. Ryan is motivated to educate as many people as possible on the benefits of web3 and cryptocurrency. He has authored “The Best Book for Learning Cryptocurrency,” and runs an educational platform,, dedicated to demystifying the crypto space. Ryan built the platform to transition tech-savvy and non-tech individuals into crypto and give everyone a baseline understanding of the different fields in the cryptosphere. Ryan is also an...