Navigating Secure Virtual Real Estate: A Guide to Metaverse Ownership

7 mins
Updated by Artyom Gladkov
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The metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with each other and experience a range of digital environments. In recent years, many companies have been working to create immersive virtual experiences for users. With the rise of blockchain technology, the idea of the metaverse — and with it, metaverse ownership — has started to become a reality. 

One of the key aspects of the metaverse is digital real estate. Digital real estate is a piece of land or property in a virtual world. It can be bought, sold, and rented just like physical real estate. This virtual land not only serves as a space for personal creativity but also holds the potential for establishing unique experiences that redefine the boundaries of social interaction and commerce.

Why people would invest in metaverse real estate

metaverse ownership

Individuals invest in virtual real estate for a variety of reasons. Some see it as an investment in the future of the internet, believing that the metaverse is the next big thing. Others want to use virtual real estate to create their own virtual world or business; others see it as a way to connect with friends and family. 

In the world of businesses, the metaverse presents opportunities beyond money. Companies create digital real estate properties to create unique spaces beyond websites or social media. Think of it as building a customized hangout spot for your brand, where customers can step right in and interact with individuals who share a similar passion and interest in the brand, just as you do. 

Furthermore, owning a piece of the metaverse can be viewed as a statement of identity. Similar to how physical property mirrors one’s character and accomplishments, virtual property provides a distinctive chance to shape a digital presence that aligns with personal ambitions. It’s an opportunity to build a unique digital trail that resonates with a worldwide audience. 

What individuals and brands would use virtual land for

Virtual real estate can create engaging experiences beyond what we’re used to in the real world. For individuals, the canvas of virtual real estate invites them to actualize their aspirations. Building homes, establishing businesses, or creating social hubs are just a few avenues that can be explored. This could be a great way to create a personal space that reflects their own interests and style. Imagine an individual who loves travel, fashioning a digital realm to explore and soak diverse cultures.

Deciding between virtual and tangible land involves navigating a landscape that’s shaped by new rules and possibilities. One of the standout differences is how the value of digital real estate can be quite unpredictable. It depends on the popularity and demand for land on that metaverse platform. 

Real estate vs. traditional land purchases

When discussing investing in virtual real estate, it’s important to understand how it sets itself apart from traditional land purchases. One notable distinction is the involvement of cryptocurrency. This brings an interesting chance for rapid growth in a shorter timeframe. Unlike traditional real estate, where land value usually increases gradually, in the metaverse, the landscape is influenced by the dynamics of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum.

As with any investment, uncertainty comes with the long-term success of the metaverse. Unlike physical land, which generally maintains its value as long as there is human habitation and a need for space, the metaverse is still a bit of a wild card. Investing in virtual real estate could potentially bring impressive returns, with the realistic risk of not getting the expected outcome.

How to monetize from real estate in the metaverse

The metaverse is still uncharted territory, and the excitement lies in finding the right blend that aligns with your vision and values. In the metaverse, spaces for leisurely hangouts and open land will always be reminiscent of their real-world counterparts. While these areas might not initially reflect their financial value, they play a pivotal role in shaping virtual municipal planning and organization.

To truly maximize the returns on virtual land investments, it is important to support the development of commercial use case activations, be it through the creation of immersive games, retail spaces, token-gated exclusive clubs, or any other innovative revenue-generating avenues.

How else can you earn from virtual real estate?

Another way to monetize virtual real estate involves selling advertising space and digital goods. This strategy is for brands that want to reach a new audience in the metaverse. Additionally, the option of creating and selling virtual goods and services on your land exists. This avenue could be a beneficial option for people with the skills to create digital content. Capitalizing on your digital real estate revolves around exploring routes matching your goals and skill set.

Property management companies are actively pursuing traditional leasing approaches, enticing retail brands to lease virtual spaces for their e-commerce and advertising initiatives.  

Strategies for securing virtual real estate

Securing your virtual real estate investment requires thoughtful steps. Begin your journey by selecting a metaverse platform with a proven track record to maintain your property’s value. Thoroughly research these platforms to ensure they align with your investment goals.  Recognizing the similarities and significance of location in the virtual world is equally crucial, just like physical real estate.

real estate in the metaverse
Real estate in the metaverse: Landvault

The land prices in the center of the map hold a significantly higher average than the plots on the edges and outside of busy areas, as can be seen from The Sandbox map example above. Just as real-world land values rise near high-traffic areas and popular attractions, certain areas within metaverse platforms command higher prices due to their popularity or functionality.

For example, the plot adjacent to Snoop Dogg or Atari in the metaverse experiences greater demand and, as a result, has a higher price. Different platforms cater to various interests, whether it’s social interactions, gaming, art, commerce, or more. Defining your land’s purpose clearly is important to align with the platform that best fits your goals. 

Educating yourself about the potential risks of virtual real estate investment is important to make informed decisions. Protecting your digital assets involves strengthening your investment through strong security measures. Using unique passwords, activating two-factor authentication, and regularly updating your security settings can help prevent unauthorized access.

The future of virtual real estate and metaverse ownership

In this digital landscape, smart decisions and protective steps form the foundation of a successful virtual real estate journey. By carefully assessing platforms, locations, and risks while ensuring strong security, you set yourself up to navigate this complex landscape successfully. The potential of a virtual real estate venture is significant, provided individuals make thoughtful decisions.

The future of virtual real estate is uncertain, but it is a rapidly growing market with endless possibilities. If you are interested in investing in this emerging asset class, it is important to do your research and understand the risks involved. As the metaverse develops, we can expect to see even more innovative and creative ways to use this technology.

Frequently asked questions

What is the metaverse and its role for virtual real estate?

How can you make money with virtual real estate in the metaverse?

How can individuals and brands make the most of virtual land in the metaverse?

How does buying metaverse land differ from real-world property purchases?

How do I determine the value of virtual land in the metaverse?

About the author

sam huber

Samuel Huber is the CEO of LandVault, the largest real estate company in the metaverse. Before this, Sam founded Admix, a gaming company pioneering product placement technology in games, which he rebranded to LandVault in 2022 following a pivot into web3. With Admix, Sam has helped over 300 brands, from Calvin Klein and National Geographic to McDonald’s or Uber, to enter new digital environments, from games to the metaverse.

An early bitcoin investor since 2013, Sam was also one of the first land owners in the metaverse as early as 2017 and has since invested in over 20 companies, mainly in web3. He was recently ranked #18 LinkedIn influencer in web3, featured in the CNN documentary Decoded, and regularly covered in Fast Company, Venture Beat, TechCrunch, Financial Times, and Nasdaq.

In a previous life, Huber was an engine strategy engineer for Mercedes Formula One, responsible for Lewis Hamilton’s engine strategy following a degree in Physics and Engineering. Sam is passionate about the two frontiers of human consciousness, which he believes are the metaverse and space exploration.

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Samuel Huber
Samuel Huber is the CEO of LandVault, the largest real estate company in the metaverse, which has raised $37m from top VCs. With a team of 120 architects, designers and developers, LandVault has built metaverse experiences for brands like Mastercard, L’Oreal, Heineken, and web3 projects like World of Women or MAYC. Before this, Sam founded Admix, a gaming company pioneering product placement technology in games, which he rebranded to LandVault in 2022...