How to Use BeInCrypto Jobs Board: A Step-by-Step Guide

4 mins
Updated by Vlada Morhunova
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Are you a business operating in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector and looking to tap into the top talent pool of professionals in the industry? Look no further. BeInCrypto Jobs Board is the ultimate platform to post job listings and connect with top-notch candidates in the crypto space.

Learn how to use BeInCrypto Jobs Board and discover how to make the most of this valuable resource for your business and finally reach the crypto talents you need.

What to consider when hiring in web3

Whether you’re seeking blockchain developers, cryptocurrency analysts, or other specialists to add to your team, we’ve got you covered. We understand that finding the right talents, especially in web3, can be quite challenging.

When advertising jobs in crypto, there are crucial factors to consider to ensure you’ll find the talent that aligns with your vision and goals. Making the right hiring decisions is key to a successful business. To help you navigate this process effectively, here are a few factors to take into account:

Being web3 savvy

Look for candidates who deeply understand the core principles of web3, including decentralization, blockchain technology, and the importance of open-source collaboration. A grasp of concepts like smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is essential.


community adaptabililty two people blobs boxes squares

Web3 technologies are continually evolving. Seek individuals who not only have current expertise but also demonstrate a willingness and ability to adapt to new developments and emerging trends in the web3 space.

Cultural fit

Ensure the candidates align with your organization’s culture and values. While this can perhaps appear less vital in a remote, decentralized setting, actually, it’s the opposite. To operate a well-oiled decentralized workplace, it’s incredibly important that teams gel and communicate transparently.

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Industry knowledge and experience

“I have an unlimited amount of work for people who can write sql and are willing to learn the Blockchain.”

@tweeterazzis: Twitter

Review the candidate’s previous work and experience in the web3 space. A strong portfolio that showcases relevant projects and achievements is a positive sign. However, if they don’t have previous experience in the field but possess the right skill set, industry knowledge, and willingness to learn, don’t write them off! Getting hiring right in web3 means being able to recognize and champion transferable skills.

Why utilize the BeInCrypto Jobs Board?

Vacancies by popularity web3 jobs business development manager, community manager, enginner, social media manager, software engineer

In the web3 landscape, particular job positions are in higher demand among candidates, resulting in increased interest, elevated pay scales, and competitive incentives. Given its diverse and multifaceted nature, web3 attracts individuals with expertise across various domains.

BeInCrypto Jobs Board is a dedicated platform designed to seamlessly connect web3 job seekers and employers. This dynamic platform offers users diverse job opportunities spanning various locations and sectors. For authorized users, the process of applying for a desired position is streamlined, with direct application capabilities through the employers’ pages.

To top it off, both job seekers and employers can count on handy features, such as:

  • Job posts filtered by salary
  • Web3 salary insights and data hub
  • Standardized description of vacancies
  • Candidates log in with a crypto wallet

Here’s how you can benefit from our collaboration:

  • 60k+ visitors per month
  • Our traffic increases on a 30-40% monthly basis
  • Authorized users are growing by 50% month-over-month
  • Featured listings can pull in upwards of 150 applications.
  • Trusted by 370+ companies, including CoinGecko and Ramp

How to use the BeInCrypto Jobs Board

  1. Visit the main page.
BeinCrypto Jobs in Web3
  1. Click on “POST YOUR JOB”.
BeinCrypto Jobs in Web3 Post Your job
  1. Move to the page for companies.
BeinCrypto Jobs in Web3 companies jobs
  1. Choose the pricing option you prefer.
pricing option standard feature bundle BeinCrypto Jobs in Web3
  1. Fill in the form.
BeinCrypto Jobs in Web3 form fill out writing
  1. Pay with your credit card on Stripe.
  2. Then, you will get an email with confirmation of payment. In this email, you will find a link to the Google Form where you should add information about your vacancy.

Tip: Provide as much relevant information about the job as possible.

Find your perfect match


BeInCrypto Jobs Board: A gateway to web3 talent

As demonstrated in this guide, learning how to use the BeInCrypto Jobs Board is straightforward. The platform acts as a gateway to the web3 talent network, connecting businesses with top professionals in the blockchain and crypto sectors. Whether you’re hiring blockchain developers or seeking general crypto expertise, our platform simplifies the process.

Frequently asked questions

Does BeInCrypto have a job board?

Is the BeInCrypto job board free to use?

How frequently are new job listings added to BeInCrypto?

Can I apply for crypto jobs internationally through this platform?

What types of positions are typically available on the BeInCrypto Jobs Board?

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Camila Santiago
Camila Santiago is polyglot content writer and marketer. With four years of writing expertise and a six-year foundation in marketing and business, she has curated content across health, fintech and crypto verticals. Graduating from Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro with a degree in Business Administration and Economics, and a Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English from the University of Cambridge, Camila's career journey took her through the corridors of big players like...