
YouTube Quietly Ends Cryptocurrency Crackdown

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Updated by Kyle Baird
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It looks like YouTube’s recently unleashed crackdown on cryptocurrency-related content is already over. Several YouTubers who found themselves on the receiving end of this exodus are now reporting that their previously-censored videos are being restored.
As BeInCrypto previously reported, YouTube started flagging and removing cryptocurrency-related videos on the platform earlier this week. No explanations were provided other than that the flagged videos were propagating “harmful or dangerous content” and the “sale of regulated goods.”

Popular Cryptocurrency Channels Were Affected

That run of the mill justification, however, failed to explain why even purely educational videos that didn’t contain any investment advice or advertising were being removed. In some instances, videos that were uploaded several years back and had gathered hundreds of thousands of views were also removed. Chris Dunn, the popular YouTuber behind the channel ChrisDunnTV brought the issue to the community’s notice on Christmas Eve by tweeting that most of his cryptocurrency-themed content had been removed. Chris Dunn has been making YouTube videos for nearly a decade and has over 200k subscribers. Other YouTubers started echoing Dunn’s concerns soon after with other relatively popular cryptocurrency channels such as Chico Crypto (@ChicoCrypto) and BTC Sessions (@BTCsessions) announced that they were facing similar issues. The crackdown initially seemed to be targeting only major YouTubers, although later it turned out that even some smaller channels were being flagged. Mining BTC Bitcoin

Decentralization Unlikely to Work for Content Creators

As the mysterious crackdown continued to strike, many in the cryptocurrency community started arguing for the need to have a decentralized alternative to corporate-controlled platforms such as YouTube. However, not all are convinced of the prospects of this vision. Skeptics are pointing out that the average YouTuber makes videos just to make money — be it via ad revenue or by shilling digital assets. Most of these YouTubers, according to these skeptics, are not there to share informative content and encourage adoption. However, there are also many who are positive about the prospects of a decentralized video sharing platform. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao is among those with this positive outlook. He tweeted earlier today that any such decentralized platform will further accelerate the progress of decentralized file systems.

What Prompted YouTube to Restore Removed Videos

Starting Dec 26, some of the affected YouTubers started reporting that their erstwhile-removed videos were back online. Even the warnings and penalties imposed on a few channels had been removed. So, was it a goof-up by YouTube or are some deeper factors involved here? Unfortunately, the facts surrounding the crackdown are all hazy at the moment as YouTube is yet to make an official statement regarding the situation.
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Shilpa Lama
Shilpa is a Highly experienced freelance Crypto and tech journalist who is deeply passionate about artificial intelligence and pro-freedom technologies such as distributed ledgers and cryptocurrencies. She has been covering the blockchain industry since 2017. Before her ongoing stint in tech media, Shilpa was lending her skills to government-backed fintech endeavors in Bahrain and a leading US-based non-profit dedicated to supporting open-source software projects. In her current...