
Private Sale For Solanax Ends, The IEO Is On Horizon

3 mins
Updated by Shilpa Lama
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The private sale for solanax is ending on June 25, and the IEO starts on June 28 for a project that promises a simple interface, higher blockchain speed, and low gas fees. It could be an excellent opportunity for early investors in the project.

Solanax quickly gained popularity in a very short span of time as it offers a more incredible blockchain speed, a simple interface, and low gas fees for cryptocurrency transactions. Solanax has also been in the news with their partnership with ExMarkets for their upcoming IEO on June 28.

However, their private sale is currently ongoing, and you can benefit by purchasing a solanax token at a much lower rate. Solanax seeks to eliminate the middlemen (e.g., banks, financial institutions, centralized governing institutions, etc.) and pave the way for a decentralized, simple to use, and secure platform that is trusted by the community.

(Image Source: Solanax gitbook)

Why is solanax so robust?

You can go through solanax whitepaper or solanax gitbook to know more about Solana, solanax, and the whole project in more detail. However, here are the key points that make Solanax a robust project:

  • Solanax is built on Solana blockchain’s incredible technology to reach over 50k transactions per second while keeping costs as low as $10 per 1 million transactions.
  • Solanax is built on a technology that uses unique Proof of History (PoH) concept and is capable of executing more than 50,000 transactions per second.

All about the ongoing private sale of solanax [From June 6 to June 25, 2021]

A Solana blockchain offers high blockchain speed, a simple interface, and low gas fees and is the key technology behind solanax. It has a total token supply of 80 000 000 sold tokens, and before the CEX listing, a total of 20 million sold tokens have already been distributed.

The private sale ends on June 25, and their sales staff can be reached at [email protected] for any queries regarding the private sale or the IEO. Solanax token Price is set to $0.1 with three months vesting period and at  $0.15 without a vesting period.

What if you miss the private sale: 

The solanax IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) is going to be launched on ExMarkets, and their sale will start on 28th June. You can also participate in solanax’s Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) that has a total available supply of 10,000,000 sold tokens. Here are some more details around IEO:

Round 1: June 28, 2021 – July 5, 2021 | $0.20 | Available supply: 5,000,000 sold
Round 2: July 8, 2021 – July 13, 2021 | $0.25 | Available supply: 3,000,000 sold
Round 3: July 16, 2021 – July 19 2021 | $0.30 | Available supply: 2,000,000 sold

Interested in knowing more about Solana

If you are interested in knowing more about the solanax project, you can explore the following sources; webpage, Gitbook, Twitter.     

For any information on their private sale or IEO (Initial Exchange Offering), you drop them an email at [email protected] 

Final Words

The objective behind a project is the primary element in deciding its success and public adoption. The ultimate goal of the Solanax team is to launch solonax that gives open source liquidity and decentralize finance or DeFi protocol that the Solana community can adopt and reuse easily for any future projects.

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