

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

About Bitget

Bitget is a leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, serving 25 million users across 100+ countries and regions, with a daily trading volume of 10M USDT; it offers innovative features like pioneering copy trading, along with the Bitget Wallet—a multi-chain Web3 wallet that includes a DEX, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and supports over 100 mainnets, catering to 20 million users.


Founded in 2018 by early adopters inspired by the Bitcoin whitepaper and Ethereum ecosystem, Bitget has remained committed to a blockchain-based future, even as market downturns chased away speculators. Emphasizing long-term prospects, Bitget operates like a marathon runner, not a sprinter. Today, it is powered by a diverse team of over 1500 employees from various genders, nationalities, and beliefs, spanning 60 countries and regions.

Vision and Mission

Bitget’s mission is to bridge the gap between traditional finance and digital assets by offering innovative financial solutions and tools.

Bitget aims to inspire people to embrace cryptocurrency and enhance their trading methods, one user at a time. Committed to smarter trading solutions, Bitget has become the #1 crypto copy trading platform, where users can follow elite traders and earn effortlessly.

