Registered on Bitget but haven’t deposited yet? Now you can do so with great bonuses in Bitget’s native token (BGB), which offers exciting perks. Simply make your first deposit via P2P to share in the massive $200,000 prize pool worth of BGB!
How to receive the bonus:
Create an account on Bitget USING THIS LINK .
Go to the promotion page and click the ‘Join’ button.
Get $2 in BGB tokens:
- Make a net deposit > 10 USDT via P2P.
- P2P net deposit = P2P buy – P2P sell (during the campaign period).
Get $6 in BGB tokens:
- Make a net deposit > 200 USDT via P2P.
Get $10 in BGB tokens:
- Make a net deposit > 1000 USDT via P2P.