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Earn up to $10 in ACE or LISTA tokens
Prize pool

Earn up to $10 in ACE or LISTA tokens

Trade, earn, convert, swap to Earn up to $10 in tokens

Prize pool

$20,000 worth of ACE and LISTA


1500 people used







About the bonus

Binance Square is giving away a total of $20,000 worth of ACE and LISTA tokens to verified Binance users! You can earn up to $10 worth of each token (capped at $5 per token) by completing a few simple tasks.

How to get awarded:

  • Sign up on Binance and complete KYC

  • Visit the Activity landing page and follow the projects’ accounts on Square

  • Follow the project accounts for ACE and LISTA on Binance Square.

    – Share the pinned posts about the giveaway on social media or with your friends using the “Share” button

  • Complete a trading task to share $10,000 ACE and/or $10,000 LISTA rewards

    Choose one of the following trading activities to unlock the reward pool:
    1. Spot Trading: Trade at least $100 worth of ACE or LISTA in a single transaction.
    2. Earn: Deposit at least $100 worth of ACE or LISTA in a single transaction.
    3. Convert: Convert at least $100 worth of ACE or LISTA in a single transaction.
    4. Web3 Wallet Swap: Swap at least $100 worth of ACE or LISTA in a single transaction.
    5. Binance Pay: Send at least $100 worth of ACE or LISTA to another Binance user in a single transaction.

Binance Square is giving away a total of $20,000 worth of ACE and LISTA tokens to verified Binance users! You can earn up to $10 worth of each token (capped at $5 per token) by completing a few simple tasks.