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Claim your share of 588M SOLV
Token allocation

Claim your share of 588M SOLV

Lock BNB, complete quests & get rewards

Not available in the US, UK & Netherlands.

Prize pool

588,000,000 SOLV


3933 people used




Quests, Stake



Binance will be the first exchange to launch the Solv Protocol token (SOLV), which aims to unlock the full potential of over $1 trillion in Bitcoin assets via its on-chain Bitcoin Reserve and Staking Abstraction Layer.

If you haven’t yet farmed Solv Protocol points to receive tokens, Binance offers you the chance to participate in the SOLV airdrop via its Megadrop platform. By locking BNB and completing quests, you can share in 588M SOLV (7% of the total supply).

How to participate:

  • Go to the Binance Megadrop page and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

    • After being redirected to the Binance app, select the Solv Protocol Megadrop.
  • Lock BNB to yield score for the Solv airdrop.

    • Your locked BNB score is determined by the amount of BNB locked and the length of the subscription period.
  • Complete the Web3 quest to boost your score by 1.5X and earn an additional 500 points.

    • Click the ‘Start Quest’ button and deposit ≥ 0.0001 BTCB into the Solv Protocol dApp (BSC network).
    • Then, return to the Binance Megadrop page and click the ‘Verify’ button.

Hurry, time’s running out—farm SOLV on Binance →


Share 40M RED Airdrop
Token allocation

Share 40M RED Airdrop

Lock BNB, USDC or FDUSD & earn RED

40,000,000 RED
8 hours left
2301 people used
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