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BeInCrypto Telegram Trading Group Bags Nomination for “Best Cryptocurrency Trading Group 2021”

1 min
Updated by Shilpa Lama
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BeInCrypto has been awarded the AtoZ Markets’ Seal of Approval for its cryptocurrency Telegram trading community, along with a nomination in the category of  “Best Cryptocurrency Trading Group 2021.”
BeInCrypto’s homegrown cryptocurrency Telegram trading community now carries the “Seal of Approval” from AtoZ Markets, a leading online destination for reliable financial markets and blockchain-related information. This is a milestone achievement for the community, which has grown to a size of more than 30,000 subscribers across ten languages in the span of only ten months. In a detailed review published earlier this month, AtoZ Markets also gave BeInCrypto a rating of eight out of ten for its genuine and high-quality reporting on blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, and the fintech space. ATOZ Not only that, but BeInCrypto has also been nominated in the category of “Best Cryptocurrency Trading Group 2021.” Reacting to these new accomplishments, Joep Maenen, global Social Media Manager at BeInCrypto, noted:
“At the start of this year, we set out to build the most supportive, educative, and engaging crypto trading communities on Telegram. About ten months later, we’ve reached a total number of 30,000 subscribers amongst our ten languages worldwide!”
Maenen added,
“This incredible growth and the quality that we’ve been offering haven’t gone unnoticed!”
Led by several in-house veteran traders, the BeInCrypto community also has a (free) Premium Trading Group that comes loaded with live trading recommendations, learning materials, and direct consultation with experts. Subscribers can discuss their doubts, receive feedback on their trading strategy, share their views, and get real-time community-support, all from under the same virtual roof.
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