Get answers to frequently asked questions about the BeInCrypto Ambassador Program.

  • Can anyone apply?
Yes! We welcome applications from anywhere in the world. We are looking to reach a global audience, and as such are looking to recruit ambassadors from several countries representing the different continents. If applications from all around the world are welcome, communicating in english is a must.

  • What are your selection criteria?
We do not have fixed selection criteria. All our ambassadors will be selected based on their individual merit, and the skills that they bring to the program. Whether you are looking to spread the word on social media, or contribute high quality content to the program, we will consider each application on a case-by-case basis.

  • How are Ambassadors rewarded?
Ambassadors are rewarded for every click they bring to BeInCrypto articles. Each Ambassador can get rewarded with up to €200 on a monthly basis, depending on the traffic he or she generates for the domain. BeInCrypto will also leverage its influential network to help Ambassadors grow their online following if they have this ambition.

  • How are the amount of clicks generated by every Ambassador counted?
Clicks are tracked through the usage of UTM parameters. Each Ambassador receives precise instruction show to proceed to share our content online while making sure this activity is correctly tracked, so that he gets remunerated accordingly.

  • How are the rewards distributed between Ambassadors?
Rewards will be distributed to ambassadors within 14 days after the end of a calendar month, through Paypal payment. Minimum payment: €100. In case €100 is not reached, the amount is saved and activity the following month is added up to the total.

  • What are Ambassadors expected to do?
There are no fixed roles for ambassadors unless previously agreed. Ambassadors are free to contribute quality, meaningful posts and content to help spread the word about BeInCrypto articles of their choice. This work must maintain a high quality, and be intended to reach a wide audience.

  • How can an Ambassador quit the program?
Every Ambassador can quit the program at any time.

Still any doubt? You can easily contact us on Twitter!
No more questions? Then apply now to become one of our 5 BeInCrypto Ambassadors!