Looking for a crypto exchange to start trading? Phemex, renowned for its exceptional benefits, efficient trading options, and top-notch security, has an exclusive offer for new users! Join now, complete easy tasks, and collect rewards of 4,800 USDT! Check out the details below.
How to participate:
Create an account on Phemex using this link.
- Users who have registered within the last 30 days can participate in this promotion.
Go to the Rewards Hub, complete tasks and earn up to 4,800 USDT.
- Complete KYC verification to receive 10 – 1,200 USDT.
- Make your first deposit ≥ 50 USDT to earn 5 – 1,500 USDT.
- Complete your first trade ≥ 100 USDT and claim 5 – 2,100 USDT.
Your crypto adventure begins with rewards, join now →
Disclaimer: Not available for the US, UK & China.
About Phemex
Phemex is a leading crypto exchange offering 350+ contract pairs and 400+ spot pairs. The platform features custom-built trading engines that process 300,000 transactions per second, with order response times under 1 millisecond.
Phemex handles over $10 billion in daily trading volume, ensuring a seamless and efficient trading experience for all users. With an incident-free record since its inception, user funds have never been at risk, further highlighting the platform’s commitment to reliability and security.