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MetaplexCrypto Jobs

Metaplex Studios Metaplex Studios is the official standard for Solana NFTs and the largest NFT ecosystem in the world. In less than one year since launch, we have experienced massive growth with over 18 million NFTs created using the Metaplex protocol, facilitating over $3 billion in commerce for developers and creatives of all kinds. Solana’s energy efficiency, low cost, and fast transaction speeds provide a unique opportunity now to build a future for NFTs as the infrastructure for an increasingly broad scope of use cases; it has already been used for over 85k projects in gaming, arts & collectibles, marketplaces, developer tools, and more. On a mission to empower creators, Metaplex champions a world full of diverse perspectives, creativity and art. For this to be possible, creators must have increased access to their audience, powerful tools that are easy to use, and be able to retain more financial benefits from the sales and use of their work. We believe tokens and blockchain technology are a critical tool for this purpose. For more information, visit

5 Jobs Found

about 2 months ago | 104 views | 3 applications
United States, North America
$50,000 To $63,000 per year
8 months ago | 253 views | 8 applications
$175,000 To $250,000 per year
8 months ago | 215 views | 7 applications
$140,000 To $220,000 per year
over 2 years ago | 1429 views | 3 applications
$40,000 To $150,000 per year
over 2 years ago | 1161 views | 9 applications