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Reserve is a cryptocurrency project. We want money that doesn’t inflate like USD, but isn’t volatile like Bitcoin. Our approach is to bundle stocks, bonds, gold, real estate and more into an index, and use that as money. Imagine buying a bag of groceries and paying with a tiny slice of all the world’s assets! But we aren’t building that currency directly; we built the Reserve protocol, which lets anyone create a token backed 1:1 by a collection of other tokens in a few minutes, without writing any code. Deciding what you want to back your RToken with is the hard part. Figuring it out can be worth it, however, since you can turn a profit by creating, governing and promoting RTokens. Until all real world assets (RWAs) are tokenized – which we hope will happen but has many regulatory hurdles standing in the way – the protocol is best used for rolling DeFi assets together to create yield-bearing USD stablecoins and other composite assets. As more assets are tokenized, we envision many competing asset-backed currencies, with some actually being used as money. If the world really likes asset-backed currency, perhaps it could replace the fiat standard. So far the protocol has been implemented in Solidity and deployed on layer 1 Ethereum and the Base L2. You can learn all about it on this website!