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Aurora LabsCrypto Jobs

Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) running on the NEAR Protocol, and one of the most exciting Ethereum scaling solutions in the ecosystem. The Aurora environment consists of the Aurora Engine, a high performance EVM—Ethereum Virtual Machine—and the Rainbow Bridge, facilitating trustless transfer of ETH and ERC-20 tokens between Ethereum and Aurora, within a great user experience. Aurora exists and is operated as an independent, self-funded initiative, but will continue to leverage the shared team DNA and continually evolving technology of the NEAR Protocol.

3 Jobs Found

2 days ago | 33 views | 1 applications
$45,000 To $72,000 per year
3 days ago | 45 views | 9 applications
$36,000 To $90,000 per year
7 months ago | 561 views | 2 applications