About the company
About Manta Network Manta Network delivers privacy for web3 applications and decentralized assets through use of zero-knowledge proofs. The project is built in accordance with first principles, by applying cutting-edge cryptographic constructions such as zkSNARKs to design and deploy protocols with high performance and strong privacy/security guarantees. Manta Network is supported by leading investors including Polychain, Multicoin, Binance, CoinFund, and Parafi. The founding team has extensive experience in the blockchain space and come from educational institutions including Harvard and MIT, and leading web3 projects such as Algorand. If you are excited about building privacy-preserving solutions using zero-knowledge proofs, building blockchain applications, or learning about Polkadot ecosystems, then we want to hear from you.
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📍岗位职责: 📍编写高质量的 TypeScript 脚本和链上合约交互。 📍使用 Solidity 编写、测试和部署智能合约。 📍服务器部署及管理,熟练使用 Docker 进行应用容器化。 📍与其他开发人员合作,将智能合约集成到应用程序中。 📍跟踪区块链技术的最新发展和智能合约的最佳实践。 岗位要求: 📍熟悉 TypeScript。 📍了解 Solidity 语言,熟悉 EVM 原理,能够熟练使用 TypeScript 编写脚本和合约交互。 📍具备链上安全意识,熟悉常见的安全漏洞。 📍熟悉服务器部署,具备使用 Docker 进行应用容器化的经验。 📍工作地点在马来西亚,可以使用普通话沟通。
📍曾参与过开源的区块链项目,包括但不限于钱包、DAPP、交易所等。 📍熟练使用 graphql,dune 等链上数据分析工具